Services for PRM

FraCareServices offers assistance at Frankfurt Airport to persons with reduced mobility and disabled passengers according to Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2006. These are:

  • Persons with
  • physical/psychological disabilities
  • hearing and visual impairment
  • mental disabilities
  • Elderly people
  • Persons with
  • diseases (epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases etc.)
  • temporary disabilities (physical injuries etc.)

Our Services

  • Assistance at arrival, departure and during transit
  • Escort to public transport
  • Assistance at customs, border and security control
  • Procurement of medical care
Catalogue of PRM services
2024 Catalogue of PRM services.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 587.5 KB

For Airlines

In addition to the service for passengers with reduced mobility according to Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2006, we also offer charged Non-PRM services to airlines.


These Non-PRM services include i.e. a permanent care for unaccompanied minors or other meet and assist passengers, not falling under PRM.